Common Vulnerability Databases

In this post I wanted to go over some of the findings I have found when doing research into how vulnerability scoring works with vulnerability databases. CVE The Common Enumeration of Vulnerabilities (CVE) List is a database of reported vulnerabilities maintained by the Mitre Corporation. Vulnerabilities found can be submitted by organizations and even individuals. Each vulnerability is given a CVE-ID number to identify by. This list of CVE-ID’s is used by many other databases for application use and scoring....

February 13, 2024

Mulesoft Security Capabilities

After working with Mulesoft for a while, I wanted to write this blog post because I didn’t see very many resourse that were comprehensive on Mulesoft and it’s security capabilities. Many of these findings were by google searching, reviewing Mulesoft documentation and talking with Mulesoft reps for security capabilities. This post is not intented to include all of Mulesoft security capabilities but is just good starter for those looking to use Mulesoft security....

June 28, 2023