Naming Convention Types and Where to Use Them

Short write up of naming conventions and how they are used. Naming Types When combing and describing words for functions, enums, structs, classes, etc… it is very useful to stay consistent to a naming convention. Naming conventions stick to a particular format type. Here is a table I created for future references of format types. Type Formatting Camel Case twoWords Snake Case two_words Pascal Case, Upper Camel Case TwoWords Kebab Case two-words Train Case TWO-WORDS Where These are Used The question is which format type do I use for my project....

March 14, 2024

Easy Blog Site Creation with Hugo

Like everyone else and their dog, I set up this blog website to post about personal projects in technology and other fun topics. Components Used: Mac Hugo PaperMod GitHub Pages Local Deployment: In Local Machine: Brew Install Hugo git init git submodule add themes/hugo-PaperMod hugo server -D Go to: http://localhost:1313 Stop Server: Ctrl C GitHub Pages Deployment: In Create new repository named <username>, filling in your username In Local Machine:...

May 14, 2022