Short write up of naming conventions and how they are used.
Naming Types
When combing and describing words for functions, enums, structs, classes, etc… it is very useful to stay consistent to a naming convention. Naming conventions stick to a particular format type. Here is a table I created for future references of format types.
Type | Formatting |
Camel Case | twoWords |
Snake Case | two_words |
Pascal Case, Upper Camel Case | TwoWords |
Kebab Case | two-words |
Train Case | TWO-WORDS |
Where These are Used
The question is which format type do I use for my project. Well depends mostly on what programming language you are using. If your programming language documentation recommends naming certain way then you follow that. If your programming language does not have particular naming convention, then just make sure to always stay consistent. Some people my prefer a certain naming convention over the other then use that method.
Here is a list of recommended naming conventions for each language.
For better information go here. This will describe all of the programming languages naming conventions.
Always make sure verify from the programming docs what format to use where.