Like everyone else and their dog, I set up this blog website to post about personal projects in technology and other fun topics.

Components Used:

  • Mac
  • Hugo
  • PaperMod
  • GitHub Pages

Local Deployment:

In Local Machine:

  1. Brew Install Hugo
  2. git init
  3. git submodule add themes/hugo-PaperMod
  4. hugo server -D
  5. Go to: http://localhost:1313
  6. Stop Server: Ctrl C

GitHub Pages Deployment:


  1. Create new repository named <username>, filling in your username

In Local Machine:

  1. git remote add origin<username>/<username>
  2. git branch -M main
  3. git push -u origin main

Nothing will show up. Will need to tell GitHub it is a Hugo project

Create Build File with Github Actions:


  1. Go to Settings tab
  2. Go to Pages
  3. Under Build and Deployment select “GitHub Actions”
  4. Search for “Hugo”
  5. “Commit and Push” hugo build file to repository

Create and Display Post

In Local Machine:

  1. hugo new content posts/<postname>.md Filling in a postname you want
  2. Place content in post
  3. In Front Matter (markdown header) set “draft” to “false”
  4. hugo
  5. git add .
  6. git commit -m <message>
  7. git push

You should now see a working Hugo Site at https://<username>

Add Custom Domain (Optional):


  1. Go to Settings tab
  2. Go to Pages
  3. Under Custom Domain add your custom domain
  4. Will take a while to do DNS check
  5. Make sure your DNS records are pointing to github correctly

Doc URLs:

Hope there are good things to come!

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